Refund Policy
If you are unsatisfied with your purchase from Playcoyotta. for any reason, you have 14 days from the date of delivery to request a full refund. You may return any product purchased on BlazePod website (“Product”).
To qualify for a refund, all the following conditions must be met:
- Returned Product(s) must be in good physical condition (not physically broken or damaged).
- All accessories originally included with your purchase must be included with your return.
Additional terms and conditions:
- Shipping and handling charges, gift wrap fees, and taxes paid (e.g., state, customs, VAT) are not refundable.
- You are responsible for and must prepay all shipping charges and you shall assume all risk of loss or damage to the Product while in transit to Blazepod Inc.
- If you return Product to Blazepod Inc. without all parts included in the original package, Blazepod Inc. retains the right to either refuse delivery of such return or charge you a restocking fee of 5% of the original price of the Product or the retail value of the missing accessories, whichever is higher.
- Refunds will be processed and paid within 7 business days of Blazepod Inc.’s receipt of Product.
Terms of use available at and are incorporate here by reference.
This refund policy is in addition to rights provided by consumer law.